White Furnace $\eta > 1$
We validate that our mitsuba implementation of our rough coated Lambertian compared to a stochastic reference in a whitefurnace environment. In this setup, we vary the index of refraction when the index of the coating is superior to the index of the air, and we vary the roughness of the dieletric coating.
White Furnace $\eta < 1$
We validate that our mitsuba implementation of our rough coated Lambertian compared to a stochastic reference in a whitefurnace environment. In this setup, we vary the index of refraction when the index of the coating is superior to the index of the air, and we vary the roughness of the dieletric coating.
Area light $\eta > 1$
We validate that our mitsuba implementation of our rough coated Lambertian compared to a stochastic reference in a scene where a sphere is lit by two extended area lights. In this setup, we vary the index of refraction when the index of the coating is superior to the index of the air, and we vary the roughness of the dieletric coating.
Area light $\eta < 1$
We validate that our mitsuba implementation of our rough coated Lambertian compared to a stochastic reference in a scene where a sphere is lit by two extended area lights. In this setup, we vary the index of refraction when the index of the coating is superior to the index of the air, and we vary the roughness of the dieletric coating.