Part II: Frequency Operators

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  1. Introduction
  2. Frequency Operators
    • Travel & Occlusion
    • Reflection & Refraction
    • Scattering & Absorption
  3. Applications
    • Adaptive sampling & denoising
    • Upsampling
    • Density estimation
    • Antialiasing
  4. Conclusion

Fourier Transform of Radiance

$$ \mathcal{F}[L](\Omega) = \int_{\mathbf{z} \in \mathbb{R}^N} L(\mathbf{z}) e^{i 2 \pi \, \mathbf{\Omega}^T \delta\mathbf{z}}, \; \mbox{where} \; \mathbf{z} = [\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{\omega}] $$

  • This cannot in practice: global definition
    • Need to treat the whole scene at once
    • Actually not well-defined (discontinuous domain)

Local Fourier Transform of Radiance

  • local FT requires a window: $ W_l $:

$$ \mathcal{F}_l[L](\Omega) = \int_{\mathbf{z} \in \mathbb{R}^N} L(\mathbf{z}) \ \color{red}{ W_l(\mathbf{z}) }\ e^{i 2 \pi \, \mathbf{\Omega}^T \mathbf{z}}, \; \mbox{where} \; \mathbf{z} = [\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{\omega}] $$

  • Interesting properties:
    • Makes the Fourier Transform well defined
    • The window increase the min frequency

Local Fourier Transform of Radiance

  • We aren't looking at point-wise radiance anymore
    • Local radiance around a main ray
    • Requires a parametrization

$$L(\mathbf{x}, \boldsymbol{\omega})$$

$$L(\mathbf{x} + \delta\mathbf{x}, \boldsymbol{\omega}+ \delta\boldsymbol{\omega})$$

Local Fourier Transform of Radiance

  • We aren't looking at point-wise radiance anymore
    • Local radiance around a main ray
    • Requires a parametrization

Local Fourier Transform of Radiance

  • We aren't looking at point-wise radiance anymore
    • Local radiance around a main ray
    • Requires a parametrization

  • Constraint: analytical forms
    • First order analysis (only consider linear properties)
    • In practice we represent the spectrum

Local Rendering Equation

Rendering Operators

  • Implementation example
    • Manipulation of the covariance matrix
    • Using Matlab's' syntax
Cov = {sxx, sxu;
       sxu, suu};

First Step Operators: Surface Shading

 Durand et al. 2005

Travel Operator

Travel Operator

  • Travel is a shear in local space

% Travel of 'd' meters
Tr  = [1, d; 0, 1]
Cov = Tr' * Cov * Tr
 Durand et al. 2005  Egan et al. 2011

Visibility Operator

Visibility Operator

  • Add frequencies in the spatial domain
    • Has infinite bandwidth!

% Visibility operation
Occ = [o, 0; 0, 0]
Cov = Cov + Occ

Visibility in Practice

  • Same as ajusting the local window
    • Compute the largest unoccluded disk along the ray
    • We will treat near misses the same way as near hit

  • Requires a special treatment/data-structure
    • Voxel grid
    • Distance field
    • Shadow map discontinuities

Shading Operators

  • Shading requires to decompose
    • Final travel to the surface (projection)
    • Material (Textures / BSDF)

  • Elements we won't cover
    • Foreshortenning scale the spatial componnent
    • Texture increase the spatial componnent
 Durand et al. 2005

Curvature Operator

Curvature Operator

  • Curvature shears angular frequencies

% Projection to a curved object of radius 'k'
Cv  = [1, 0; k, 1]
Cov = Cv' * Cov * Cv
 Durand et al. 2005

Reflection Operator

BRDF roughness: 0 0.05

Reflection Operator

  • The BRDF cuts the angular frequency
    • Acts as a low-pass filter
    • Cutof depends on the BRDF lobe
% BRDF with cut at 'b'
B   = [0, 0; 0, b]
Cov = inverse(inverse(Cov) + B)

BRDF is not All!

 Belcour 2012

Refraction Operator

Refractive index: 1 3

Refraction Operator

  • Snell laws scale the angular component
    • Critical angle as a windowing (increase freq. near TIR)
    • Rough refraction as low pass filter on top

% Snell interface with e=n1/n2
Tf = [1, 0; 0, e*i.z/t.z]
Cov = Tf' * Cov * Tf

Adding Defocus!

 Soler et al. 2009

Lens Operator

  • A compound of already seen operators!
    • Curvature and transmission in the lens
    • Travel to the sensor

Lens Operator

  • For thin lenses, it simplifies to
    • Curvature plus Travel operators


% Lens with focal length f and distance to sensor d
C   = [1, f; 0, 1]
Tr  = [1, 0; d, 1]
L   = C * Tr
Cov = L' * Cov * L

Adding Motion-Blur

Adding Another Dimension for Motion-Blur

  • A new dimension: time.
Cov = {sxx, sxu, sxt;
       sxu, suu, sut;
       sxt, sut, stt};
  • Easy formulation: coordinate change.

Motion Operator

 Egan et al. 2009  Belcour et al. 2013

Motion Operator

  • Motion is a shear in space/angle/time
    • Our local Fourier Transform window follows the motion
    • Need to apply the operator twice (before and after interaction)



% Occlusion with moving object of speed 'vx'
M   = [1, 0, vx; 0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 1]
O   = [o, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0]
Cov = M * (M' * Cov * M + O) * M'

Adding Volumes

 Belcour et al. 2014

Participating Media Operators

  • Using a different rendering equation:
    • Radiative Transfert Equation [Ishimaru 1978]
    • Still defined on the radiance $ L(\mathbf{x}, \omega) $




Absorption Operator

  • Same operator as occlusion
    • However not an infinite bandwidth


Scattering Operator

  • Same operator as BRDF
    • Analytical forms for the Henyey-Greenstein phase function

  • Need to be aligned with the outgoing ray
    • Add a scale in the spatial domain
    • Same as projection with no curvature

Summary: Frequency Operators


Summary: A Unified Theory

Break: Questions?

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